Cultural Immersion: The Heart of Learning French
Learning French? Discover why cultural immersion is the key to truly understanding and speaking the language with authenticity.
The Hidden Time Cost of French's Silent Letters
Ever considered the silent letters in French and their impact on our time? Every day, French speakers worldwide 'lose' about 23.79 million hours typing these unspoken characters. That's roughly 5 minutes per person each day, or a whopping 2716 years globally - all spent on silent letters. What else could we do with that time? Food for thought!
Things you shouldn’t do in France
Explore essential cultural insights in this article, navigating you through 8 things to avoid when visiting France. Learn about polite greetings, traditional customs, and subtleties in behavior that can make your stay more enjoyable. Impress the locals by understanding their etiquette and enjoy a truly immersive French experience.