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Podcasts recommendations

You already know it but let me repeat it, incorporating podcasts into your French learning routine can really enhance your linguistic skills and cultural understanding and revolutionize your language acquisition journey. Podcasts offer the advantage of convenience, as they can be accessed anytime and anywhere. Whether you're commuting, exercising, or simply relaxing, you can turn these moments into valuable learning opportunities.

This is why I wanted to give you some podcasts recommendations have divided into two categories.

C’est parti! 

1) These podcasts have been specially created for learners of French and are ideal for beginners and intermediates. 

2) These podcasts target French speakers, so they're perfect for intermediate and advanced levels. 

News : Hugo Décrypte

Art : Art Talks

History : Nota Bene

Personal development : Émotions

General culture : Choses à savoir 

Humor : Montreux Comedy

Bonne écoute! Happy listening!