Mastering Business French: Essential Phrases and Tips for Success

The French business landscape, with its rich history and global influence, demands a nuanced approach. While knowing the language is essential, understanding the cultural and professional etiquettes can set you apart. This comprehensive guide aims to equip you with both.

1. First Impressions Matter

In France, first impressions can make or break a business relationship.

  • Greetings: "Bonjour" (Hello) is your go-to greeting. If it's post-lunch, consider "Bon après-midi" (Good afternoon). Evening meetings? "Bonsoir" (Good evening) is apt.

  • Introductions: A firm handshake accompanied by "Enchanté(e)" (Delighted) or "Ravi(e) de vous rencontrer" (Happy to meet you) is standard. Remember, eye contact is crucial!

2. Business Vocabulary

To navigate business meetings, negotiations, and networking events, a robust vocabulary is essential.

  • Entreprise and Société: Both terms refer to a company, but "société" often implies a legal entity.

  • Bureau: Office, but can also refer to a desk.

  • Travailler: To work. "Je travaille dans le marketing" means "I work in marketing."

  • Salaire: Salary. A sensitive topic, so approach with discretion.

  • PDG: CEO or the head of a company.

3. Interacting with Coworkers

Building rapport is key. French workplaces value camaraderie.

  • Seeking Help: "Est-ce que tu peux m’aider avec ce rapport?" (Can you help me with this report?).

  • Expressing Gratitude: "Merci pour ton aide" (Thank you for your help) or "Je te suis reconnaissant(e)" (I'm grateful to you).

4. Job Interviews

French job interviews can be formal.

  • Preparation: Expect questions about your studies, "Pouvez-vous me parler de vos études?" and your professional trajectory, "Quelle est votre expérience professionnelle?"

  • Attire: Opt for conservative and professional clothing. In France, appearance matters in a professional setting.

5. Emails and Business Calls

Communication etiquette is pivotal.

  • Emails: Start with a formal greeting. "Cher Monsieur Morel," or "Chère Madame Dupont." Conclude with "Cordialement" (Kind regards).

  • Calls: After the initial "Allo?", introduce yourself, "C'est [Your Name] de [Your Company]."

6. Business Meetings

Punctuality is paramount. Arriving late can be perceived as disrespectful. Also, meetings in France can be lengthy, often accompanied by detailed discussions. It's not just about the agenda but building relationships.


Navigating the French business world requires more than language proficiency. It's about understanding the culture, the etiquettes, and the unwritten rules. With this guide, you're one step closer to mastering business French.

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