English useful phrases translated into French
it is crucial to avoid translating literally from English to French. While it may seem like a convenient approach, literal translation often leads to inaccurate and awkward expressions that do not align with the nuances and structures of the French language. Let’s have a look at some very common phrases that you will need in French. C’est parti !
Phrase 1 : I am looking forward to & I can’t wait
In a simple sentence, just use the expression “avoir hâte”
For example : J’ai hâte. (I can’t wait). J’ai trop hâte. (I really can’t wait.)
Otherwise use : avoir hâte de + verbe
For example : J’ai hâte de voir le prochain film de Tarantino. (I can't wait to see Tarantino's next film.)
On a hâte de partir en vacances. (We are looking forward to our vacation.)
Finally, in a more advanced way use “avoir hâte que + subjonctif”
J’ai hâte que tu viennes à Lisbonne. (I can’t wait for you to come to Lisbon.)
On a hâte que tu nous racontes tes aventures. (We look forward to hearing about your adventures.)
Phrase 2 : I don’t care & I don’t mind
Remember, the choice of expression depends on the context and the level of indifference you want to convey. It's important to consider the appropriateness of each phrase based on the formality of the situation and the relationship with the person you are communicating with.
Here, let’s have a look at how to say “I don’t care” in 3 different context.
In a polite way, you would say “ça m'est égal”, “peu importe”
In an informal way, “je m’en fiche” or “je m’en fous”
And finally, the most dangerous one the vulgar one : “je m´en bats les couilles” or
“je m'en branle”.
I will let you translate it yourself !
Phrase 3 : I didn’t expect that
Je ne m’attendais pas à ça - Je ne m’y attendais pas !
One of the common structure is : s’attendre à + nom / verbe à l’infinitif
For example : Je m’attends au pire. I am expecting the worst.
On s’attend à recevoir une réponse. We are expecting to receive a reply.
In a more advanced way, use : s’attendre à ce que + phrase (verbe au subjonctif)
For example : Je m'attendais à ce que tu te souviennes de mon anniversaire. I was expecting you to remember my birthday !
Je ne m’attendais pas à ce que le livre soit aussi complexe ! I wasn’t expecting the book to be so complex !