Boost your confidence in french

Learn French with virginie

I'm Virginie, your Certified French Teacher, and I'm passionate about helping my students speak authentic, accurate French.

Thousands of students follow my lessons on Instagram, and hundreds have gained confidence through my one-on-one courses and conversation workshops.

My goal is to train you to speak French naturally, while ensuring your language is precise and correct.

Now, with my online program, I’ll guide you in mastering French grammar and verbs in 12 weeks so you can speak confidently without hesitation.

I know firsthand the challenges of learning a new language—I have learned and am still learning English, Portuguese, and now tackling Italian!

That’s why I’ve designed this course to be both effective and enjoyable, helping you reach your language goals with ease.

What MY students say…



J'ai trouvé l’atelier de conversation très utile pour améliorer mon français oral.

L’atelier m’a donné l’opportunité d'essayer d'expliquer mes pensées de plusieurs manières différentes sans la peur que j’ai souvent dans la "vraie vie”; ça m'a donné confiance en mes capacités en français.

Aussi, après chaque classe, Virginie nous a envoyé un fichier avec des phrases en français qui ont été dites et qui n’étaient pas correctes. Ça m’aide beaucoup!


United States

Conversation workshops are a great way to practice French in a casual, relaxed environment.

It is not just a conversation room – Virginie carefully structures each session so that it touches upon specific topics, helping us enrich our vocabulary and indirectly reviewing grammar and language structures. Everything is there for a reason!

The themes are always relatable and easy to talk about, and the “small family” feel of the atelier helps you overcome any fear of speaking. Everyone gets a chance to speak, debate, and participate.

 I look forward to the ateliers every time, and they are a perfect complement to individual sessions or self-study, if you really want to bring your French to the next level.



Virginie is patient and encouraging, and has consistently helped me to challenge myself in our one-to-one sessions. Her lessons are well structured but have a lovely informal air to them - often we can begin by talking for 20 minutes without me even realising! 

Each time I'm in France I find that I'm able to understand more and speak more - which is an amazing feeling having started with zero French.

I feel very grateful to Virginie for all that she's taught me.

Merci mille fois!

my courses

Private lessons

Currently on Maternity Leave

Conversation workshop

2 - 4 people

Get updates for when it reopens!

Online program

Master French Grammar & Verbs in 12 weeks